
Community Interaction Seminar in Kesennuma.

  • お知らせ
  • 2018.09.26|David Coyle

2018年9月26日に、宮城県国際交流協会(Miyagi International Association (MIA))から、気仙沼のコミュニティ交流セミナーに招待いただきました。 政府主催のJETプログラムのもと、ALT(Assistant Language Teacher)としてのプログラムを終えた後、日本で働いたこれまでの経験や、宮城県で外国人が多様な価値あるスキルをどのように活かせるかについて話しました。








On the 26th September 2018, I was invited by the Miyagi International Association (MIA) to speak at a Community Interaction Seminar in Kesennuma. As a former ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) on the Government-sponsored JET Programme, I was asked to speak about my experiences working in Japan after my time on the programme, and to illustrate how foreign nationals can contribute their varied and valuable skills to the Miyagi area.


The event was well-attended by ALTs from northern Miyagi and members of the local community interested in strengthening ties between the area and the wider world.


Following the speeches and an enthusiastic Q&A session, we participated in a series of activities to further co-operation between locals and the international community.


As an architect, I believe community involvement is a vital part of our role and key to producing great buildings that people love.

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