昨年12月、「Exploring Miyagi Local Companies through Interviews」– 宮城の地元企業へのインタビューを通じて、地方企業の魅力を探る-という東北大学の講義で、SOPがインタビューを受け、私と渡邉会長が対応しました。
In December, Mr. Watanabe and I were interviewed by Tohoku University in collaboration with Miyax. The aim of the interview was to find out about the company’s business environment, especially in terms of its appeal to potential employees (especially internationally), employee benefits and intercultural understanding.
In January, the students gave presentations on six companies and there was a question and answer session.
The interviews were fun, the students’ presentations were interesting and we got to hear some interesting stories about how local companies are opening their doors to the world and becoming more international.
I hope that in future Miyagi can increase its international profile and welcome more international workers, bringing cross-cultural understanding, and social and economic benefits to the region.